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Land Group Exercise Class Schedule Aqua Group Exercise Class Schedule


Cycle Studio

Indoor Cycling at its best for everyone looking for a great cardio workout. Classes are held in Studio 2. Please call (630)938-9550 to reserve your spot for class.


Studio II

Indoor cycling at its best for everyone looking for a great cardio workout. Classes are held in studio 2.


Studio II

Indoor cycling at its best for everyone looking for a great cardio workout. Classes are held in studio 2.

Sculpt & HIIT

Studio I

Challenge yourself with this full-body interval workout that includes bodyweight exercises along with strength and cardio training.

Aqua Power

Lap Pool

Ready to pump up your aqua workout? Aqua Power is a cardio and resistance challenge.

Sculpt & HIIT

Studio I

Challenge yourself with this full-body interval workout that includes bodyweight exercises along with strength and cardio training.

Sculpt & HIIT

Studio I

Challenge yourself with this full-body interval workout that includes bodyweight exercises along with strength and cardio training.

Super Summer Cycle

Cycle Studio

Supercharge your morning with Darlene as she guides you in a cycle class filled with your favorite summer songs from past and present. Let's "roll" in the summer season.

Power Hour

Studio I

A fast-paced, barbell-based workout that's specifically designed to help you get lean, toned and fit.


Cycle Studio

Indoor cycling at its best for everyone looking for a great cardio workout. Bike fittings before class when time allows. Classes may be combined with core, stretch and yoga as listed on the schedule. Classes are held in Studio 2.

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