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Land Group Exercise Class Schedule Aqua Group Exercise Class Schedule



Studio II

Indoor cycling at its best for everyone looking for a great cardio workout. Classes are held in studio 2.

Sculpt & HIIT

Studio I

Challenge yourself with this full body interval workout that includes body weight exercises along with strength and cardio training.


Aqua Motion

Therapy Pool

Cardio, strength, range of motion, balance and core work. A great overall workout.


Aqua Combo

Lap Pool

Traditional training and sports-based cardio. May contain both shallow and deep water exercises.


Yoga Flow & Core

Studio I

Faster paced flowing Yoga and Pilates based core class designed to promote strength, flexibility and balance. Movement is music driven and interspersed with bursts of power to generate heat in […]


Gentle Yoga

Studio 1

A more gentle yoga practice in an accessible environment.



Studio I

Improve strength, flexibility and coordination concentrating on the body's core.


Sports Yoga

Studio I

Calling all athletes and weekend warriors alike! Take this time to stretch your muscles while enjoying emotive music in this yoga class designed for you.

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